Online & Mobile Banking Account

Receive real-time updates on your accounts with BusinessLink Accounts Alerts. Set up an alert in Online Banking and we’ll send you a textdisclosure 1 or email about your account balances, deposits and loan payments.


Stay updated on any:

  • Account balance benchmarks
  • Check clearance by check number
  • Transactions over a specified amount

Get started with text alerts!

  1. Fraud Control Alerts
  2. Check Clearance by Number
  3. Statement and Notices available
  4. Account Balance Benchmarks
  5. Periodic Balance Updates
  6. Payment Status
  7. User Security Alerts
  8. Transaction Alerts


Log into BusinessLink

Contact a business banking representative at (866) 236-8744 or stop by any location to learn more.

Not sure which solution is right for your business? Take a few minutes to run through Business Analyzer today. We’ll ask a few simple questions about your business and provide recommendations just for you.

  1. Mobile carrier data and text rates may apply. Back to content