Scott Wittig

Scott Wittig

Mortgage Loan Officer

NMLS# 92131

Apply with Scott
Scott Wittig

Scott Wittig

Apply with Scott

About Me

The mortgage business has been Scott's passion since 1995 because it encapsulates all that he loves – interaction with people, the ability to serve and educate, the development of trust in a relationship, real estate, and finance. Scott considers it an honor to work with people on such a crucial aspect of their financial lives.

Experience. Genuine Concern. Humor. Scott utilizes these three qualities to provide as smooth a transaction as he possibly can. His experience and desire to educate will help you to understand the process fully, and to have as simple and enjoyable a process as possible. Scott's concern for you and your family goes a long way toward ensuring that things go well and that you are fully informed throughout the transaction. His sense of humor may not be stage-worthy, but it goes a long way toward making a process that people worry about a fun one instead.

You're Home - Our Mortgage App

Make your mortgage easy. With the You’re Home mortgage app from Central Bank, staying on top of your mortgage is simpler than ever. Find all the information you need regarding the process of your loan, all in one central location, right at your fingertips.

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Scott with his wife and two kids
Scott and wife with balloon antlers Scott, wife and dog by water

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