Article | 1:52 min read

Tips for Successful Networking Using Social Media

Life Events

Successful networking using social media can open a world of opportunities and connections.

Employees sitting around a table having a meeting

Employers will often try to find information about you on the internet. Instead of jeopardizing future opportunities, use these tips to foster a positive social networking experience.

First, Google yourself.

The first place most people will go to look for more information on a person is a search engine. Google yourself! Make sure that the content that pops up on the results page is something you're proud of. If you're knowledgeable on search engine optimization, try to ensure that your professional pages pull up first. If you don't have any professional content on the internet, get started as soon as possible. Start by identifying social media platforms that are most relevant to your industry and target audience.

Do a little cleaning.

If you do search your name on the internet and you feel that it's too unprofessional, it may be time to do a little cleaning. If you aren't willing to commit to losing some of your content, it is best to up your privacy level on all your social media.

You may have to check over more than just your content. If your friends or followers are posting compromising content, it may reflect poorly on you. Politely ask them to remove any necessary content that may affect your online presence.

Utilize LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is an essential social networking tool. Its sole purpose is to be a place for professionals to connect and network, after all. If you aren't familiar with LinkedIn, it would be very beneficial to check it out and create a profile. If you are familiar with LinkedIn but aren't confident with the information on your page, sit down with someone who has an extensive page and learn some pointers.

Finally, create a goal calendar.

These goals don't have to be limited to gaining a certain number of followers on your professional page or doubling your connections to LinkedIn. These goals can be as simple as posting at least once a day on your preferred platform. Having the initiative to brand yourself and make the most of social networking has the potential to open a lot of doors.

Social networking is a quick and easy way to make important connections. Don't miss out on the opportunity and start growing your network.


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