Infographic | 1:17 min read

7 Tips to Marketing Your Small Business on a Budget

Grow Your Business

No marketing plan is the same from one small business to another. You have to find what works best for you and your marketing strategy. Learn how you can properly market your business on a budget to achieve a campaign that works best for you.

1. Remember, content is king.

Strong content increases brand awareness and contributes to the consumer's perception of your brand, so it's important to write quality articles for your website or blog.

2. Build an email list.

Email is one of the most common forms of direct marketing for a company. Collect emails from your customers and, with their permission, use this highly earned channel to market to them. It's crucial to ensure the content you're sending them is relevant and beneficial.

Small Business Marketing Infographic

3. Feature guest writers.

Find a “regular” who you believe could produce a strong testimonial and ask them to write something for your website, blog, or social media. Testimonials resonate strongly with the consumer, so featuring a guest-writer could build trust for your business.

4. Attend networking events.

Get out there and network with other small business owners. This can often lead to collaborations and may even land you some potential customers.

5. Utilize social media pages.

Participating on social media is one of the easiest, and budget-friendly, ways to market your small business. It's also a great way to interact with your current and potential customers.

6. Start an affiliate program.

Find a brand loyal ambassador and provide them with free merchandise and a coupon code. This could produce buzz around your brand and give people the incentive to do business or shop with you.

7. Host an online giveaway.

This tactic may cost a little more than the others, but the potential leads and new customers that may come your way will be well worth it.


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