Article | 1:27 min read

Scammers Impersonating Banks: Targeting Everyday Individuals and Celebrities


Impersonation scams can be a threat to anyone, even celebrities.

Alt Image: Hollywood red carpet

Did you know that scammers pretend to be real businesses, including banks? They don’t just go after ordinary people; they also target celebrities. These scammers trick you into sharing your personal information. If they claim to be your bank, they can take your money before you even know! 

Do Celebrities Actually Get Scammed?

It may come as a surprise that scammers target celebrities, such as Andy Cohen. Cohen's experience highlights the complexity of these scams. What he went through demonstrates just how tricky fraudsters can be.

The Scam: 

Cohen's trouble started after he lost his debit card. He received a fraudulent email that seemed to be from his bank. He clicked on a link, giving scammers access to his account. Once the scammers got Cohen’s financial information, they kept in touch through phone calls and texts. They tricked Cohen into making wire transfers and turning on call forwarding. This meant any calls to stop the transfers went right to the scammers before Cohen could do anything about it. Cohen found out about the scheme the next day, when he went into one of his bank’s branch locations


Celebrities like Cohen show us that anyone can be targeted by scams. In fact, Cohen’s story isn’t unique. Even Hollywood stars have been victims of scams like tax identity theft, real estate schemes, and credit card fraud. 

Remember to stay informed and be aware of what scammers have the capability of doing. 


Your Bank Will Never Ask You For Your:

  • Account Number
  • Passwords of Any Kind
  • One-Time Passcode
  • Full Social Security Number
  • PIN Number 
  • Debit or Credit Card 3-Digit Security Code or Card Expiration Date 
  • Online Banking Secret Work or Password

If you think you are a victim of fraud, contact your bank immediately

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