Infographic | 3:20 min read

 How to Afford College Clubs

Life Events

Looking to expand your network but not exactly financially free? Read our tips below!

Joining a club or organization in college is a great way to make friends and make your resume standout! Whether you are joining a fraternity or sorority, a sports club, or something for your professional development, there are many benefits! 

Understanding the Costs

  1. Dues: Unfortunately, most clubs require some type of fee. Many clubs will have dues, which are annual payments in exchange for your membership. Dues are upfront costs that allow you to participate in the organization's activities and meetings, and many require you to pay them before joining. The amount can vary depending on the size of the club and the scale of activities they provide. Major-specific clubs, like a dentistry club or a journalism club, will likely have lower costs as they offer smaller-scale activities. Greek life, on the other hand, will likely have higher dues due to their larger activities budget and the services they offer. Consider whether you prefer paying less or more—there are pros and cons to each!
  2. Additional Costs: Most clubs sell merchandise that you may want to buy—though it's not always required. Club t-shirts are common and may be required attire for meetings and social events. Travel may also bring costs if you are required to attend meetings that involve driving, flying, or hotel stays.

Cost Saving Strategies

  1. Scholarships: Fortunately, most organizations do offer scholarships or payment plans. Speak to a member in a leadership position and ask if they have any financial options. Clubs with higher costs will likely offer scholarship opportunities, so be sure to take advantage of this free money! Prepare your information well ahead of the due date, and if an essay is required, have friends and family proofread it.
  2. Payment Plans: In addition to scholarships, if you are unable to pay the full amount upfront, you may be able to negotiate a different payment plan that better suits your income. Be upfront about your finances and explain that you don't want financial constraints to hinder your membership.
  3. Negotiation: If a club has higher costs due to its extensive activities and events, ask an advisor about discounted rates in exchange for skipping some events or offering services to the organization, such as cleaning or running errands. Volunteering for leadership roles can also reduce costs by contributing more to the club's operations.
  4. Second-Hand Apparel Options: If a club requires a specific t-shirt, consider reaching out to past members to buy it second-hand. Not only is this cost-effective, but it's also sustainable! For organizations like sororities that require professional attire for recruitment, remember that you don't necessarily need to buy a new outfit for every occasion. You likely have plenty of nice dresses in your closet that would be suitable. If you do need to purchase something, consider shopping at thrift stores. Many college towns have Goodwill or Plato’s Closet stores where college students donate their gently-used clothing. This is a great way to find good quality clothing at affordable prices that meet the required standards. Consider swapping clothes with a friend if they are involved in the same organization to avoid having to purchase something new. 

Plan Your Budget

  1. Smart Selection: Although you may be tempted to join every club at the involvement fair, doing so can quickly become costly. Plan a budget and prioritize clubs that you believe will provide the most value. If you're unsure which clubs to choose, attend a few meetings before payments are due to make an informed decision.
  2. Budgeting Basics: Start by calculating your fixed expenses such as tuition, rent, and groceries to determine how much discretionary income you have available for extracurricular activities. Always remember to set aside a portion of your budget for emergencies! To create additional budget flexibility, consider carpooling with friends to club events or sharing required materials. Consider taking up a side hustle if you want to be more involved without sacrificing your budget.

Clubs are an essential way to make college memories and create meaningful connections. Don’t let financial concerns keep you from participating!


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