Video | 0:59 run time

How AI Scammers Imitate Loved Ones


The new trick: AI mimics loved ones to steal your money. Learn how to protect yourself.

Scammers are getting smarter, and one of the biggest dangers today is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to copy the voices of loved ones. These AI scams trick people by pretending to be family or friends in trouble. Learn how these scams work and what you can do to protect yourself.

How AI Voice Scams Work

Imagine receiving a phone call from someone you trust, such as a family member. The caller ID might show a familiar name, and when you answer, you hear their voice urgently asking for help. They claim to be in trouble, perhaps they’ve been in an accident or are stuck abroad and they need you to send money immediately. It’s a stressful situation that prompts a fast response.

However, the voice you hear may not be real. Scammers are now using AI to clone the voices of loved ones. With just a small voice sample, often obtained from social media posts, videos, or voice messages, AI can generate a near-perfect imitation. These scams rely on panic, hoping that in the moment, you won’t stop to question whether the call is genuine.

The Red Flags 

While AI-generated voice scams can be convincing, there are red flags to watch for:

  1. Urgency: Scammers often pressure you to act quickly, creating a sense of panic that clouds judgment. If someone is pushing you to wire money immediately or share personal information without taking time to verify the situation, be cautious.
  2. Unusual Requests: Think about the situation, would your loved one typically ask you for money in this manner? Especially if the request seems out of the ordinary, it’s a good idea to pause and assess the scenario.
  3. No Direct Contact: Scammers prefer keeping you on the call to prevent verification. If they insist you stay on the line or not contact anyone else, this is a warning sign.

How to Protect Yourself

If you suspect something is off during a call, here are key steps to take:

  1. Pause and Verify: Don’t be afraid to take a moment to process what’s happening. Hang up the call and contact your loved one directly using a method you trust, such as calling their number or reaching out to them through another platform. By doing this, you can quickly determine whether the request is genuine.
  2. Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Calls: Always be cautious when receiving unexpected calls, especially if the caller asks for money or personal information. Scammers often use AI to mimic voices in an attempt to gain access to your bank accounts or private data.
  3. Set Up Personal Verification Methods: Establish a code word or phrase with loved ones that only you would know. In an emergency, this can serve as an additional layer of verification to confirm their identity.
  4. Report Suspicious Activity: If you’ve been targeted by this type of scam, report it to your bank or local authorities. They can help protect your accounts and track down potential fraudsters.

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