Article | 1:47 min read

How AI is Changing the Economy


Understand AI’s economic impact and how you can prepare for the future.

Women working with artificial intelligence

People have many questions about Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the answers aren't always clear. AI is shaking up the economy in big ways, bringing both exciting possibilities and serious concerns. As we explore new tech it’s important to understand the good and the bad. 

The Good

  • Boosting the Stock Market

    AI has played a significant role in the growth of major companies such as Nvidia, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet. Nvidia, for example, has seen substantial increases in its stock value due to its advanced AI chip technology. Apple also experienced a significant boost in its market value upon announcing its AI initiatives. These impressive gains underscore the transformative impact of AI, but it is crucial to consider its long-term implications carefully.
  • Solving Problems

    AI can help solve big problems. It can aid in healthcare, farming, supply chains, water, and energy. AI can also lead to productivity boosts. We all know ChatGPT has cut down on writing time and allows people to be more productive for less money. 

The Bad

  • Job Concerns

    AI could replace many jobs. Groups like the Graphic Artist Guild and SAG-AFRA, which represents actors, fear losing work to AI—this was a major reason for their recent strike. Even blue-collar jobs, which are believed to be secure by many, might be taken over by AI. 3D printers that build houses and roads are already in use. In the future, jobs such as driving, and delivery could change due to self-driving cars, robots, and drones. The military is creating self-operating weapons, which raises ethical concerns but possibly reduces the need for soldiers. Every field of work will feel the impact of this new technology.

Moving Forward

AI is still in the early stages, but it’s starting to become part of the economy. Businesses and policymakers should find a good balance between using AI's benefits and dealing with its challenges. It's important to make sure workers have the skills to help them adjust to the new technology.

AI is here to stay, so it's important for everyone to be prepared. Join the discussion, get involved, and work together to create a future where technology helps everyone!


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