Congratulations, you’re moving! Your new house or apartment is picked out, all the contracts are signed, and now you’re ready to pack everything up to hit the road. But wait, how much will it cost to actually move?
According to Moving.com, the average move costs between $1,250 and $5,000. Moving all of your belongings to your new destination can add up quick. Here are seven moving costs to include when you build your budget to make the big move.
Packing Supplies
When it comes to moving, packing supplies are the ultimate necessity. A wise move is to collect boxes over time if you already know you’re soon moving. But it’s not always the case that you expect an upcoming move, or you simply don’t have room to store empty boxes. An inexpensive way to gather boxes is through friends, family, and visiting recycling centers. Also, if you know local business owners then you could ask them if they have any extra boxes laying around.
If you have to start from scratch with moving supplies, then look into using a moving calculator. Several reliable online resources have them available. They provide a rough estimate of packing supplies you’ll need based on how many rooms you’re moving, as well as how many people are involved with the move.
Transportation and Storage
Once you’re all packed then it’s time to load the truck and head to your new destination. The first thing you need to do is decide if you’re capable of moving yourself. If that’s the case, then all you need is a moving truck or trailer. If you require more help, then you should consider hiring an actual moving company. With either option you need to do some research. Take time to compare costs and how they will charge you. Some rentals are hourly, some are by mileage, and other are a combination of the two. A good tip to remember is to move in the middle of the month because that is when moving companies are most available.
When you finally arrive to your destination means you may encounter more additional costs. If you’re moving to a city then consider the cost of parking your moving truck. Some cities require you to pay for long-term street parking or you risk being ticketed. Also, if you move into an apartment or high-rise building, then you may be charged a moving fee to access cargo elevators. So make sure to check with your new building if any moving costs are to be expected.
Temporary Storage
For some large moves, you may find yourself needing temporary storage. It may be tempting to find the lowest cost option of short-term storage, but think again. There’s a reason some storage facilities are cheaper than others, so take time and read reviews on different options. Also, consider what you will be storing and how. Many storage facilities are not climate controlled, meaning your soft material furniture and clothing run the risk of getting weather damaged and moldy. Climate controlled storage spaces are typically more expensive, but they could be worth it for the safety of your belongings.
Start Up and Transfer Fees
When you move to your new place one of the first items on your to-do list is to have the power and water turned on. Many utilities companies require a deposit the first time you use their service. Sometimes they will even charge you a onetime startup fee or administrative fee. Also, consider any services you want to transfer, like internet cable or television providers. They often have service and transfer fees that are nonnegotiable. All of this information should be readily available to you either online or by calling the providers. Do some research and find out the estimated costs to add your moving budget.
Deep Clean
It’s not uncommon to move into your new place and it be filthy from the previous owners. Consider how much it would cost to deep clean your new place to make it nice and fresh for yourself. You could get lucky and it’s as easy as picking up some new cleaning supplies and doing the job yourself. Other times your place may be so dirty that you need to call in the professionals. Build this cost into your budget so it’s not unexpected when the time comes. You may not have to use all of the funds, but it’s better to be prepared just in case.
Time Off Work
Moving takes time and isn’t usually something you can do in just one weekend. If you’re lucky, then you’re moving because of your job and they are giving you time off. But when that’s not the case, then you need to think about how long it’ll take you to move and if you’re able to use any available vacation to get the job done. The unfortunate truth is you may need to take some unpaid days off work in order to fully move into your new home, which is important to consider.
Insurance and Damaged Items
A hard truth when it comes to moving is that your belongings may be damaged. It’s inevitable to go from one place to another without something going wrong. Look into purchasing moving insurance if you’re traveling a long distance or have valuable possessions. If you’re willing to forego insurance, then just set aside some funds in case something were to happen. To avoid as much damage as possible, spend the money upfront for proper moving supplies so you don’t have to pay for broken belongings later.