Article | 2:21 min read

Holiday Scams


During the holiday season, scams are disguised differently! Beware of these scams this season.

Holiday scams ahead road sign with colored lights.

Fraudsters are always attempting scams - the holiday season is no exception. During the holidays, the tricksters may present their scams in a more holly-jolly kind of way. Watch out for these fraud attempts by scammers during the holiday season!

Complimentary Smart Devices

Watch out for the too-good-to-be-true coupons that offer complimentary watches, phones, or tablets on sites all over the Internet. Don't fall for it! Make sure the offers are from a legitimate company or simply stay away.

Postal Deliveries

Watch out for alerts via email or text saying you received a package from FedEx, UPS or the U.S. Mail. These fraud attempts will then ask you to reveal personal information. Do not enter any information, or click any links.

The Grinch E-Card Greetings

Happy Holidays! Say you receive an email with an attachment that looks like an e-greeting card, with a funny or seasonal image. You think that this must be from a friendly sender. Nope! Malicious e-cards are sent by the millions, especially to work email accounts. Never click on links or attachments from a source you don’t trust! These phishing attempts can result in your personal information being stolen or malware on your device.

The Charity Tricksters

The holiday season is a time for giving. Unfortunately, it also provides an opportunity for cyber criminals to attempt scams. Watch out for any communications from charities asking for contributions. It’s a good idea to contact the charity to make sure the request did in fact come from them. There’s nothing wrong with double checking!

The Fake Gift Card and Fake Surveys Trick

During the holiday season, internet crooks will promote fake gift cards through social media channels. But, what these cyber thieves are really after is your personal information. These fraudsters are attempting to steal your information to sell it to other cyber criminals who will use it for identity theft. Fake surveys offer short generic questions, but ask for personal information and even credit or debit card information toward the end of the survey. With this information, cyber criminals can attempt phishing attacks. Beware of fake gift cards and surveys!

Fake Refunds

These are scams stating that you are entitled to some kind of a refund. They will claim there was an “incorrect” or "wrong transaction" and want you to "click for a refund.” When you click on this scam, the criminal attempts to install malware on your device. Beware of malicious links!

Always make sure you think before you click! Don’t click on suspicious emails and beware of any websites asking for your personal information. Securing and safeguarding your information is incredibly important! This holiday season, don’t let scammers steal your cheer.

Want to learn more about internet scams? We are always here to help! Visit your local Central Bank branch or contact us for more information.


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