Check out our list of items that every emergency supplies kit needs:
1. Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK). This kit should house important financial documents for your family. So in the case that your household is destroyed, you will have the sensitive documents on-hand for future use. These documents will include:
Household Identification
- Photo ID to prove identity of household members
- Birth certificate to maintain or re-establish contact with family members
- Social security card to apply for FEMA disaster assistance
- Military service
- Pet ID tags
Financial Documents
- Housing Payments to identify financial records and obligations
- Insurance policies to re-establish financial accounts
- Sources of income to maintain payments and credit
- Tax statements to provide contact information for financial and legal providers & apply for FEMA disaster assistance
Medical Information
- Housing Payments to identify financial records and obligations
- Insurance policies to re-establish financial accounts
- Sources of income to maintain payments and credit
- Tax statements to provide contact information for financial and legal providers & apply for FEMA disaster assistance

2. The Essentials. Though every movie covering an apocalypse, or survival scenario, has highlighted the importance of having a source of food and water - it is still an important point to reiterate. Having a go-to emergency store of water and nonperishable food on hand is extremely helpful. While you may still need to rush to the store before an imminent disaster, having a “just-in-case” supplies will make the situation less dire. And worse, come to worse, you will have food to hold you out for a little while before help arrives.
3. Cold hard cash. Depending on the level of disaster that strikes your area, your banking facilities may not be accessible or power outages may prevent the usage of credit/debit cards. Having some emergency funds in physical bills will ensure that you have a way to purchase any needed items. Try to keep the cash in a secure location, perhaps with your Emergency Financial Aid Kit, so that if you need to leave quickly you will be able to easily find it with the rest of your supplies.
4. First Aid Kit. For any unanticipated injuries, or preexisting conditions, having a first aid kit on hand is paramount to survival. Even if an emergency situation does not arise, this is a good household item to keep around for unpredicted situations. Be sure to not only include the basics in your kit (Band-Aids, bandages, gauze, and alcohol) but also equip it for the specific needs of your household- inhaler for asthma, insulin for diabetes, etc.
Prepare your emergency supplies today. So when the situation calls for it, you will be ready.