Infographic | 2:11 min read

Credit Do's and Don'ts

Credit and Debt

Most people are aware that they have access to a free credit score, but not all know the best way to check and improve their score. Learn how.

Your credit score plays a vital role in your financial well-being, impacting your ability to secure loans, obtain favorable interest rate and achieve various financial goals. Whether you’re looking to buy a home, finance a car, or apply for a credit card, a higher credit score opens the doors to better opportunities. Learn how to improve your credit score and enhance your overall financial stability.

Infographic with information about improving your credit score

How to Improve Your Credit Score:

  • Payments: Pay your loan payments, including your credit cards, on time every month.
  • Credit Report: Order a copy of your credit report annually. The three major credit bureaus are required to provide you with a free copy of your credit report each year. For a reasonable fee, you can also obtain your credit score.
  • Know the Power of Credit: Banks look at your credit history as an indication of future financial behavior, making it easier to get loans with low interest rates, rent an apartment, purchase a home, and may even help you in your career.
  • Pay Attention:
    • Read the fine print on the credit application before signing. Credit card companies are competitive so rates, limits, grace periods, fees, terms, and conditions may vary.
    • Be wary of anyone who claims they can “fix” your credit report.
  • Meet the Minimum Monthly Payment: Pay at least the minimum due, more if you can. If you are unable to make the minimum monthly payment, let your creditor know so you can work towards a more manageable payment plan. You can also talk to a non-profit financial counseling organization like the National Foundation for Credit Counseling to regain control of your finances.

What Hurts Your Credit Score:

  • Paying Your Bills Late: Late payments not only affect your credit rating, but they can also add to your balance.
  • Spending More Than You Can Afford: Avoid getting too close to reaching your credit limit or “maxing out” your cards.
  • Ignoring the Warning Signs of Credit Trouble. If you pay only the minimum balance, use cash-advances or transfer balances frequently, you might be in the “danger zone.”
  • Sharing Your Credit Card Number. Never give out credit card or personal information if you have not initiated the transaction. Be aware of identity theft and phishing scams that ask for your credit card numbers.

Improving your credit score requires discipline, patience, and commitment to responsible financial habits. With determination and effort, you’ll be on your way to enjoying the benefits of an improved credit score and a brighter financial future.

If you suspect that your identity has been compromised, call your bank and file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at (877) ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338).

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