Article | 1:19 min read

How to Rock Your First Credit Card [Checklist]

Credit and Debt

Now that you are part of the credit-earning community, there are a few things you should know. Credit takes some time to establish and can fall at the drop of a hat. Once your credit falls, it takes a while to build it back up. Because of this, it’s important to start out strong with building your credit. But don’t worry, just remember these five steps.

man handing credit card to clerk

U.S. News and World Report explains that by doing this, “you're building a history of responsible credit use and improving your score.” 1 It's equally as important to make your payments on time.

Most credit cards will have a limit-for a first time credit card holder, your limit will probably be lower so that you don't get yourself into trouble.

Figure out when you're going to pay off your card each month and monitor your account. With Central Bank Online and Mobile Banking, you can view and manage your full financial picture in one place (i.e. Account Alerts, Money Manager, Bill Pay).

After all of the work you did, it's important to see your results. It's best to check your credit report at least once a year. You can check your credit report online for free at Annual Credit Report. There are others too; however, do some research and make sure it's a credible site.

Some credit cards offer rewards programs when you spend money. Every card is different, so make sure your rewards program will actually benefit you and your lifestyle.

The number one thing to keep in mind is to be responsible. Credit cards can be very rewarding and helpful when used correctly-just remember these five steps to using your new card.

Download your own copy of our checklist

Don't have a credit card? Apply for a Central Bank Credit Card today.


1 5 Smart Credit Moves For College Students

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