Article | 2:34 min read

6 Tips to Prepping Your Kids to go Back to School

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Summer is flying, and school is starting sooner than you think!

Kids waiting to get on the school bus

Make sure to start preparing kids for school now instead of waiting a week in advance. This will make the transition back to their school routine less tough when school begins. Here are some things you can do before summer break ends to help your kids get back into the swing of things.

  1. Start easing into a new sleep schedule

    No one likes trying to wake up a cranky child or teenager for their first day back to school. Two weeks before school is back in session, begin easing them into a new sleep schedule. Start enforcing earlier bedtimes and decrease their bedtime by 10 or 15 minutes every few nights. Although it might be difficult to get your kids to start waking up early during their last few weeks of summer, it will be worth it when they are able to focus on their schoolwork and extracurriculars.
  2. Brush up on academic skills

    Spend some time with your children reviewing essential academic skills they might have forgotten during the break. Focus on math, reading comprehension, and any subject where they may need extra help. Develop a reading routine with your child and give them a space that can foster their creativity and allow them to work in the best way they can.
  3. Go school supply shopping

    Along with making sure your child is prepared, make sure that you are financially prepared to keep your child stocked up on all of their back-to-school needs. Make sure you are planning ahead and only buying what your child will need.
  4. Create a calendar before classes start

    To keep the first week back to school less hectic, look into your kid's school and out-of-class extracurricular activities and set up a calendar of everything. You can set up a white board that is easily changeable, a paper calendar everyone can see, or your own personal planner on your computer. Whichever calendar you choose, choose the one that best suits your family.
  5. Don't overcommit yourself or your kids

    Signing up for the PTA and to be your kids soccer coach may seem like a good idea, but once the school year starts, it may overwhelm you. When signing up your kids for a sport, the scouts, and volunteer work, consider how much time everything will really take. Try to sign up for only two things that you can commit to, allowing you and your kids to get the most out of it without too much stress. You can always join something else if you know you can handle it later.
  6. Lay out EVERYTHING the night before

    One of the most time consuming tasks when getting ready is picking out outfits and packing everything together. When school starts, have everything from outfits to backpacks organized and laid out the night before. This can save you a lot of time and headache in the morning when rounding everyone up to leave.

Heading back to school can be such an exciting time for you and your kids! Supporting them through this transition will set the foundation for a successful and fulfilling educational journey.


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