This can include accumulated debt, the pressure of weight loss, the need to be multiple places at once, the struggle to return to a routine, and much more.
Don't let stress get the best of you this season. We have a few tips on how to alleviate stress or avoid it altogether.
1. Understand it's okay to say NO. Take time to enjoy what is happening around you and enjoy the little experiences that come along with the holiday season. If you can't make it to a certain event, don't be afraid to say “no.” It's not worth spreading yourself thin and adding stress to your life during what is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. Take some time to sit down and prioritize upcoming events, gatherings, and commitments. Think about how they align with your values and what you consider a non-negotiable.
2. Take a vacation and a weekend to simply chill. Plan a weekend away to unwind and enjoy quality time with your loved ones. A little time away to relax and revive yourself is a great way to prepare your mind and body for the hustle and bustle.
3. Create a budget and stick to it. Before the shopping season arrives, set your budget and outline the details. Who are you buying for this year? How much can you afford to spend on each? Should you opt out of store-bought gifts and hand make gifts instead? The key is not only to create your budget, but stick to your budget and spending targets as you get caught up in the season.
4. Follow your routine. It's easy to fall out of a routine; however, it's not so easy to get back into a routine. It might be tempting to skip the gym, let the kids sleep in, or even have late night dinners through the holidays. The easiest way to avoid the stress of getting back into your routine is to stick with the norm. Treat yourself in other ways and stick to your daily routine as much as possible.
5. Don't worry about the aspects you cannot control. It's the time of year to be grateful and reflect on your values and resolution for the coming year. You don't have any room for extra worry in your life or something nagging at you that keeps you from achieving your goals. Cut stress out of your life by cutting out the worries that are completely out of your control - the weather, family, winter colds, and mother-in-laws.
With these tips mind, remember to take a moment and breathe. After all, your health and sanity are at stake. Enjoy your time with those who matter most and those that make you happy! Life is too short to do otherwise. All of us at Central Bank hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season.